Blood Culture

Aerobic & anaerobic culture & antibiotic sensitivity* to determine if there is an infection in the bloodstream (*where appropriate). Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Blood culture medium 7 days €44.00 Microbiology All Related test(s) Antibiotic sensitivity Related article(s) None

Autogenous Wart Vaccine & Histological Analysis

The wart sample is analysed by histology initially, and if suitable, an autogenous vaccine is made up in the Microbiology laboratory for the affected animal Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species 5-10 grams of tissue required without preservative 2-3 weeks €150.00 Microbiology Equine, bovine Related test(s) None Related article(s) None

Antibiotic Sensitivity

Antibiotic sensitivity, in addition to the standard panel, can be provided upon request. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species — — — Microbiology All Related test(s) Abscess swab, Blood culture, Cervical swab, Ear swab, Endometrial swab, Eye swab, Fluid analysis, Milk culture, Nasal swab, Oral swab, Plates for identification, Skin scraping, Urine full analysis, […]

Abscess / Wound Discharge Swab

This test is used to identify bacteria in a sample which may be the cause of infection. Aerobic culture, anaerobic culture*, enrichment culture* & antibiotic sensitivity* is carried out on the sample (*where appropriate). Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Swab in Amies transport medium 3 days €44.00 Micro All Related test(s) Culture, Wound […]