MCV (Mean Cell Volume)

Size of the red cells. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species EDTA Same day €16.50 Haematology Multi Related test(s) Basic small animal profile, Clotting and anaemia profile equine, Clotting and anaemia profile small animals, Comprehensive profile small animals, Diagnostic haematology and basic biochemistry, Diagnostic haematology, basic biochemistry and inflammatory proteins, Full blood count, Full […]


Lymphocytosis (Lymphs > 5.0 x 109 / L) is a feature of chronic bacterial infections and the secondary phase of bacterial infection that often follows from primary viral infections. Lymphopaenia (Lymphs < 1.0 x 10 9 / L) may be seen in septic shock and severe viral infections and although reported as such, is seldom of much use […]

Lyme’s Disease (Borrelia)

Tick borne bacteria. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum Referred test €75.00 Biochemistry Equine Related test(s) None Related article(s) None

T3 (Tri-Iodothyronine)

Test to assess thyroid function. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum or heparin Referred test €75.00 Biochemistry Multi Related test(s) T4 (Thyronine), TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) Related article(s) None

LDH Isoenzymes

LDH can be fractionated into its isoenzymes. LD1 elevations can be seen in haemolysis and LD2 in cardiomyopathy.  Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum Referred test €85.00 Biochemistry Equine Related test(s) None Related article(s) None

Lawsonia Serology

Antibody test that shows exposure to the Lawsonia intracellularis organism. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum 5 days €40.00 Biochemistry Equine Related test(s) Lawsonia PCR Related article(s) None


Lactate can be used as a index of fitness and metabolic fatigue. It may also be used for monitoring cardiovascular status in horses under critical care. Note: Contact the lab prior to sampling. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Fluoride oxalate plasma Same day €16.50 Biochemistry Equine Related test(s) None Related article(s) None


Iron levels have been found to be lower in horses with systemic inflammation. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum or heparin Same day €16.50 Biochemistry Multi Related test(s) Basic biochemistry equine, Diagnostic haematology and basic biochemistry, Diagnostic haematology, basic biochemistry and inflammatory proteins, Inflammatory markers Related article(s) None

Ionised Calcium

Decreases in ionised calcium can indicate a disruption in calcium homeostasis. Note: Contact the lab prior to sampling. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum Referred test €55.00 Biochemistry Canine Related test(s) None Related article(s) None


The IgG test is to assess the passive transfer of immunity (from the colostrum) to the newborn foal. IgG levels should be > 800 mg / dl, levels below 400 mg / dl suggest failure of passive transfer and levels between 400 mg / dl and 800 mg / dl indicate partial failure of passive […]