
Every undergraduate and many lay persons understand that packed cell volume (PCV l / l or %) rises in dehydration and shock and falls in (extreme) haemorrhage. PCV is however, probably the least useful RBC measure in the elite athlete. It is a labile parameter influenced by splenic contraction following exercise or excitement and blood […]

TLI (Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity) Canine

Serum TLI will detect exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs and cats. Animals with EPI have very low levels of TLI, animals with pancreatitis may have very high levels of TLI. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum Referred test €80.00 Biochemistry Canine Related test(s) Canine specific pancreatic lipase, Amylase, Lipase Related article(s) None

TLI (Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity) Feline

Serum TLI will detect exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs and cats. Animals with EPI have very low levels of TLI, animals with pancreatitis may have very high levels of TLI. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum Referred test €95.00 Biochemistry Feline Related test(s) Amylase, Lipase Related article(s) None

Total Protein

Hyperproteinaemia can occur in dehydration, extreme hyperfibrinogenaemia and the hypergammaglobulinaemia of chronic infection. Measurement of total protein is therefore too non-specific to be useful in the evaluation of the elite equine athlete. Hypoproteinaemia, when identified, similarly provides better information when broken down into its sub-components. Hypoproteinaemia is always disturbing.  Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory […]

TRH Stimulation Test

Test used in the diagnosis of PPID when the ACTH result is equivocal Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species EDTA plasma Same day €60.00 Biochemistry Equine Related test(s) ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) Related article(s) None

Testosterone Rig Test

Testosterone stimulation test can be used to identify cryptorchid or testicular function. Animals that have been castrated successfully have low basal levels of testosterone and show little or no increase following hCG. Cryptorchids have an increased basal testosterone which usually increases following hCG. Animals with normal testicular function should have normal basal levels of testosterone […]

T4 (Thyronine)

Test to assess thyroid function and monitor treatment. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum or heparin Same day €25.00 Biochemistry Multi Related test(s) T3 (Tri-iodothyronine, TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) Related article(s) None

GPX (Selenium)

Test used to diagnose selenium deficiency. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Heparin 5 days €20.00 Biochemistry Multi Related test(s) Mineral profile, Pooled mineral profile, Selenium (serum) Related article(s) None

Glucose Tolerance Test

Test used in the diagnosis of small intestinal malabsorption. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Fluoride oxalate Same day €77.00 Biochemistry Equine Related test(s) Glucose Related article(s) None


Globulins can be divided into their alpha, beta and gamma components using protein electrophoresis. Alpha-2 globulins contain the acute phase proteins. Beta-1 elevations can be seen in parasitism and gamma elevations are seen in chronic infections, usually those that are bacterial in origin.  Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Serum or heparin Same day […]