Skin Smear for Malassezia

A smear is made from a skin / hair pluck sample and examined under the microscope in order to determine if Malassezia yeast are present. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Skin scraping / hair pluck sample should be placed in a sterile container 1 day €25.00 Micro Skin smear for malassezia Related test(s) […]

Skin Scrape Microscopy & Culture

In addition to the skin / hair pluck sample being examined for the presence of ringworm spores and ectoparasites, the sample is also cultured to identify the bacteria and fungi present which may be a cause of infection. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Skin scraping / hair pluck sample should be placed in […]

Skin Scrape Microscopy

The skin / hair pluck sample is examined for the presence of ringworm spores and ectoparasites. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Skin scraping / hair pluck sample should be placed in a sterile container 1 day €25.00 Micro All Related test(s) Fungal culture, skin scrape microscopy & culture Related article(s) None

Salmonella Typing

When a sample tests positive for the presence of Salmonella, the laboratory is obliged to send the sample to the Department of Agriculture for typing to determine the serovar of Salmonella present in the sample. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Referral test — €33.00 Micro All species & food & food related samples […]

PROSOL Probiotic Solution

A probiotic is made up when it is determined that the gut flora in an animal is out of balance (initial gut flora screen) and it may benefit from a probiotic made from it’s own beneficial bacteria. If the probiotic must be delivered an additional courier charge may apply. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory […]

Plates For Identification & Antibiotic Sensitivity

The identification of bacterial colonies that have been cultured on an agar plate by the referring vet and also the antibiotic sensitivity of these bacteria. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Agar plate 2-3 days €33.00 Micro All Related test(s) Antibiotic sensitivity Related article(s) None

Oral / Mouth Swab

This test is used to identify bacteria in samples from the oral cavity which may be a cause of infection. An aerobic culture, enrichment, antibiotic sensitivity* & fungal culture is carried out (*where appropriate). Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Swab in Amies transport medium 3 days €45.00 Micro All Related test(s) Antibiotic sensitivity, […]

Occult Blood

This test detects the presence of blood, not visible to the naked eye, in faecal samples. Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Laboratory Species Faecal sample 1 day €18.00 Micro All Related test(s) Campylobacter culture, Clostridia screen, Clostridia difficile toxin, Clostridia perfringens enterotoxin, Faecal culture, Faecal worm egg count, Fluke egg screen, Giardia, Gram stain, Gut […]