Stud Farm Hygiene Package

This package is designed to help stud farms prevent enteric and respiratory disease in young foals. The tests offered within this package concentrate on the hygiene in the communal areas of a busy foaling unit. Stud farms which have previously availed of this package have successfully shown that it is possible to reduce the incidence of disease in young foals by identifying any disease-causing microbes in communal areas, water, and forage, and rectifying any issues which may have arisen. Prevention of disease makes good financial sense for any stud farm. Availing of this package also provides a good opportunity to discuss any biosecurity issues which may have arisen over the past year.
Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Sample Form Laboratory Species
Taken by a member of staff 10 days €395 comprehensive package, €250 reduced package Contact the lab to arrange for a member of staff to visit your premises Environment & Nutrition Equine

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