In elite horses leucocytosis and leucopaenia can be defined as WBC > 10.0 x 109/ L and < 6.0 x 109/ L, respectively. Values lying close to these values should be interpreted with caution given the potentially confusing effects of catecholamine induced mobilisation of cells in this series and the need for appropriate filling of EDTA tubes. Failure to fill correctly can result in an incorrect coagulant to blood ratio with consequently misleading WBC values. Evaluation of the individual components of the WBC series is usually much more informative than reliance on WBC counts in isolation, hence the need for EDTA samples, rather than lithium heparin for haematology as referred to previously.
Basic small animal profile, Clotting and anaemia profile equine, Clotting and anaemia profile small animals, Comprehensive profile small animals, Diagnostic haematology and basic biochemistry, Diagnostic haematology, basic biochemistry and inflammatory proteins, Full blood count, Full blood count small animals, Health screen farm animals, Neonatal foal profile, Older foal screen, PU / PD profile small animals