Conductivity in Water

Conductivity measures the ability of water to conduct an electrical current. Taking a water sample The analytical result is only as good as the sample submitted for analysis. Collecting a representative sample is the first step of the analytical procedure. Clean tap thoroughly, including the inlet with a flame or disinfectant wipe. Turn on the […]

Chloride in Water

Chloride occurs naturally in areas of saltwater intrusion. However it can also be present in industrial waste and sewage and therefore can be used as an indicator of pollution. Taking a water sample The analytical result is only as good as the sample submitted for analysis. Collecting a representative sample is the first step of […]

Alkalinity in Water

Alkalinity measures the buffering capacity of water. Taking a water sample The analytical result is only as good as the sample submitted for analysis. Collecting a representative sample is the first step of the analytical procedure. Clean tap thoroughly, including the inlet with a flame or disinfectant wipe. Turn on the tap and allow water […]

Ammonia Monitoring

Sample Requirement Turnaround Time Price Sample Form Laboratory Species — 2 days €6 – 1 reading, €12 – 2 readings Contact the lab to arrange for a member of staff to visit your premises Environment & Nutrition Equine Reference Ranges N/A Related test(s) Alkalininty, Chloride, Fluoride, Hardness, TON, Sulphate, pH, conductivity, turbidity Related article(s) None

Ammonia in Water

Industrial and agricultural processes contribute to the level of ammonia in water sources. Ammonia is an indicator of possible bacterial, sewage or animal waste contamination. The level of ammonia is a useful indicator of possible pollution.Taking a water sample The analytical result is only as good as the sample submitted for analysis. Collecting a representative […]

Aflatoxin Determination in Forages and Feeds

Quantitative determination of Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2) by LC-MS/MS. Aflatoxins are carcinogenic and potent liver toxins. Aflatoxin exposure causes rough hair, lethargy and immune suppression.Taking a representative sample:The analytical result is only as good as the sample submitted for analysis. Collecting a representative sample is the first step of the analytical procedure. Hay & […]